I was what my family calls "jungle baby." The last time I was ever jungle baby was when I had my adenoids out, that was in kindergarten or first grade. Jungle baby is pretty self explanatory, but it is when you are crying, make noises flaring your arms, touching people as if you were trying to pin a tail on a donkey or in this case, someone. But it doesn't have to be just waking up from anesthesia.
If anyone has had anesthesia then you know that you are pretty tired after it. Unless you are like me and don't take naps. In that 10 hour period (11-8) I did not fall asleep once! But I guess if you count laying on the couch for half the time, then yes I would have slept.
So in the timeline of February 15, 2011 we are now at the point of which I went to bed.Yes I went to bed at 8:00. You can't blame me, I didn't sleep at all that day! Oh almost forgot.. guess how much money I got for the teeth? (drum roll) 20 DOLLARS! For 4 teeth! I guess the tooth fairy thought I did pretty well.. all for except the jungle baby part.....
My 4 teeth compared to a penny! |